Oxycodone Withdrawal: Question About Methadone for W/d’s?

Question by L Dane A: question about methadone for w/d’s?
I just got my hands on 10mg of methadone after the most ruthless six hours of withdrawals ever, and I’m wondering if this is enough to take the pain away for someone who’s on 180mg of oxycodone plus 75mg of morphine daily. Also, how long does it take to work? I took it like almost an hour and a half ago and.. nothing. I mean, my w/d has decreased noticeably, i suppose, but not the way suboxone could help me if i railed it

Best answer:

Answer by Ashley M
It is not going to take the pain away completley. all it will do is calm the DT’s down a little. I am going to be honest with you here as I have been through this hell myself. Nothing takes the pain away completly. And its going to be hell for about 3-4 days. Get through that, and it will start to feel better. I never had any luck with methadone. No amount helped and it seemed like it took 5 hours to kick in if at all. Everyone is different though so I do hope it works for you. I would reccomend seeing a dr and he can adjust doses of appropriate meds to assist with WD’s including anti anxiety meds if he deems necessary. I do hope you good luck with this. Get through it and your life will be so much better

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