Oxycodone 15mg Dose for an Opiate “Naive” Person?
Question by Jamie Z: Oxycodone 15mg Dose For An Opiate “Naive” Person?
In the past, I have took percocet 10mg, Vicodin 10mg ect, but never this “Roxicodone” Medication. Also, I havn’t took an opiate in A while. Probally Like 2 years ago. My Doctor said this amount shouldn’t cause any adverse side affects in A opiate Naive patient. Which I have no clue what that meens. What does naive meen? I just said OK, when I should have asked him. LOL. I was thinking Naive meens, someone who can handle opiates or something. I dont even know. Someone help me please. I think he put me on this dose and medication because my pain is stoping me from doing everything.
I Just want Another opinion about this, has anyone took that much (15mg) before? Also, did you have tolerance when you did take it? I have no tolerance to it. I dont want to split pills either, as that can cause problems ect.
Best answer:
Answer by bgee2001ca
In this case, naive means never having used it in the past.
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