Opioid Dependence: Short Term Disablility and Still Getting a Flying Job?
Question by Joe A: Short Term Disablility and still getting a flying job?
In my Current Job I got very sick and was in the hospital for a little under a week. I have been cleared from the hopital, but am thinking about taking short term disablitby from work. What effect would that cuase if any from getting a flight job. What do Most of the Job Applications state about previous healthy issues? Is there a box that specifially says did you ever take short term disabilty?
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Answer by Tito v
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Cadence Pharmaceuticals Announces Termination of Option Agreement to …
Filed under: opioid dependence
… for intravenous use only), Cadence Pharmaceuticals' proprietary intravenous formulation of acetaminophen, is indicated for the management of mild to moderate pain, the management of moderate to severe pain with adjunctive opioid analgesics, and the …
Theravance Announces Initiation of Phase 2 Study With TD-9855 for the …
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