Opiates Addiction: On My Level Jay Fullov Kush

On My Level Jay Fullov Kush

Jay Fullov Kush On My Level Instrumental


Rehab costs R22 000 an addict
Filed under: opiates addiction

Cape Town – Just one heroin addict seeking rehabilitation can cost the province up to R22 000 for treatment. And many of these patients have multiple relapses and can run up costs of around R100 000 a year. Shafiek Davids from the Sultan Bahu Treatment …


OxyContin use down in Vt. but heroin use increases
Filed under: opiates addiction

WATERBURY, Vt. — Efforts to make OxyContin harder to abuse have succeeded in Vermont, the top state police drug investigator says, but one notable result has been addicts switching to an older scourge: heroin. Lt. Matt Birmingham, head of the Vermont …


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