Opiate Addiction Stories: My Drug Test Was Positive From Eating Poppy Seeds and Court Will Not Believe Me. Needing Help, Please!!!?

Question by kRISTIN: My drug test was positive from eating poppy seeds and court will not believe me. Needing help, please!!!?
I was required by court to take a drug test and I tested positive for opiates without using any drugs. I need to prove that I do not use drugs, but the test revealed otherwise. My psyciatrist asked if I had eaten anything with poppy seeds in it, and I had just that morning of the drug test ( I had an everything bagel and a poppy seed bagel). I tried to tell the court what I thought had happened, and they told me that I was a liar and in denial about my addiction to drugs. My name has been tarnished, I am now being treated as a low-life and I need a way to prove to them that I am being honest. It feels horrible to be in this position. They did tell me that if I could find a research paper from an actual doctor finding my poppy seed “story” to be true, then they would take it i
i ate a poppy seed bagel and an everything bagel the morning of…and this happened a while ago…so a second drug test wouldn’t be accurate at this time…

Best answer:

Answer by Summer ?
ask them if you can take a polygraph

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