Opiate Addiction Stories: Breaking the Cycle: Great Starts Program Offers Comprehensive Treatment

Breaking the cycle: Great Starts program offers comprehensive treatment
Filed under: opiate addiction stories

Soon after, Ramsey started shooting up Roxicontin, a highly addictive opiate. She began selling … a drug addict,” she said. Cooper admitted that not all of the women who leave the facility kick old habits, but she's confident that Ramsey will be a …


Michael Jackson's buttocks 'scarred,' 'abscessed' from injections
Filed under: opiate addiction stories

“I would have thought he had an opiate problem,” the doctor said in video testimony. He said Jackson's addictions took hold in the early 1990s.“I attempted to give him a shot of Demerol, but his buttocks (were) so scarred up and abscessed that the …


Poppy Dream
Filed under: opiate addiction stories

Here he shares an extract from his autobiography, Poppy Dream – the story of an English Addict. alt text … It took me a while to find a vein but eventually the plunger eased back and admitted a little curl of blood into the liquid opiate inside the …


Filed under: opiate addiction stories

For all intents and purposes, an opiate overdose is a heroin overdose, given the rarity of other opiates popular with drug abusers, according to Dr. Scott Denton, a Bloomington pathologist whose office performs autopsies for more than 30 counties …


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