Opiate Addiction Signs: Why Are Doctors Reluctant to Treat Pain?
Question by hicktowngal: why are doctors reluctant to treat pain?
why are doctors reluctant, at least in my small town, to treat pain. i’ve had a diagnose from a major university that recommend analgesics. nerve damage and degenerative bone disease. is it they are afraid of the demonized opiates and might lose their licenses. i thought doctors went to school to help not cower in fear of the FDA. if you live in eastern oregon and know of a pain specialist please tell.
Best answer:
Answer by Doctor J
Unfortunately, they do cower in fear of their licensing boards and their local district attorney.
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Methadone: No Good Answers – Part 2
Filed under: opiate addiction signs
Authorities report Brigan showed signs of controlled substance impairment. Court records say a bottle of methadone was at the scene, … It's a substitute drug for people addicted to heroin and other opiates. Busche says methadone has been used for …
Officials worried by drug-addicted baby cases
Filed under: opiate addiction signs
The signs of addiction a baby could show a range from diarrhea and nausea to seizures to possibly more severe symptoms, Klima said, but is dependent on the amount of exposure the baby has had to the drug. How quickly a drug is … appear in a newborn …
Signs that Your Spouse or Partner is Abusing Prescription Drugs
Filed under: opiate addiction signs
With prescription drug abuse at epidemic levels across the nation, many educated people with successful lives are becoming addicted to opiate drugs prescribed for pain and benzodiazepines prescribed for anxiety. These medications are often prescribed …
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