Man Will Receive Treatment Instead of Prison
Man will receive treatment instead of prison
Filed under: heroin addiction help
A Marietta man charged with trafficking in drugs and possession of heroin will receive addiction treatment instead of prison time, according to an…
Ex-Heroin Addict Tells Task Force: I Was Killing Myself
Filed under: heroin addiction help
According to Greenagel, that report will recommend ways to improve prevention, treatment and recovery support services of opiate and heroin abuse and will be available online to the public. Emotions ran high throughout the hearing, on both sides of the …
Chris' walk organizers aim to raise drug addiction awareness
Filed under: heroin addiction help
It's been five years since Vicki Foley's son, Chris, died of a heroin overdose. … She said people are looking for resources and help in dealing with addiction and more people need to speak up about substance abuse. Parents need not be embarrassed if …
Kick the heroin! Addiction help in Southern California
Ready to get help for heroin addiction? Southern California residents, if youre ready to start the road to recovery, watch this video. The caring professionals of our healing network will introduce you to our rehab centers. When addiction to drugs occurs along with other mental disorders, you need treatment for both. Our network specializes in treating co-occurring disorders. Call for help today!
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