Huntington Clinic Opens for Pregnant Addicted Women
Huntington Clinic Opens for Pregnant Addicted Women
Filed under: treatment for opiate addiction
And now, he's reporting on a breakthrough medical response — the opening of a precedent-setting maternal addiction and recovery clinic. Opiate addiction is overwhelmingly stronger that a woman's maternal instinct. With treatment, an addicted pregnant …
Former drug abuser now helps youth shed their own addictions
Filed under: treatment for opiate addiction
Since then, Health Canada has provided the community with Suboxone, which helps people addicted to opiates deal with the withdrawal symptoms. But Suboxone alone can't cure the community of its problems. The First Nation lacked a facility that could …
In pain? Narcotics aren't the only solution
Filed under: treatment for opiate addiction
Relatively few patients become addicted to opiates, and they are an important option for people with severe pain, he said. Some people have reported success treating their pain with marijuana, but Michigan Pain Clinic has a policy not to prescribe …
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