How Do Drug Highs Differ From Drug to Drug?

Question by blackavaritia: how do drug highs differ from drug to drug?
doin a presentation for school and basically need to know this

how do ‘highs’ differ from drug to drug?

i know marijuana highs are basically a feeling of being calm but party drugs used in raves and so on have a totaly different effect right? anyone care to explain?

Best answer:

Answer by Altermann21
From what I have read (..and “done” in my wasted youth.I don’t condone or criticize anyone for doing drugs as I feel that is their choice. I feel a person should be FULLY aware of what they’re doing and WHY they are doing it.) there are several factors; drug make-up, drug quality,dosage,physical condition and brain chemistry of the “participant”(i.e. if someone suffers from clinical depression where their serotonin levels are low, taking XTC would literally kill them, as it releases ALL of person’s serotonin at one time). An outstanding site to check is
They cover everything from drug history,chemical make-up,dosage,laws,etc.
Worth investigating.

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