Heroin's Insidious Hold
Heroin's insidious hold
Filed under: opiate addiction symptoms
Heroin is actually an uncontrolled substance, in the context of it usually being supplied as a white powder that contains an unknown level of opiate cut with a variety of white powder look-alike substitutes, and distributed at an increasingly alarming …
Drug addiction is a disease — but a curable one
Filed under: opiate addiction symptoms
“He was 24 years old. He got addicted to Oxy and when he couldn't afford it anymore, he went to a less expensive opiate — heroin … He hated being an addict.” Kathleen sent photographs of her son, Austin. In one, he was pictured with two friends. All …
Techniques to Control Run-Away Cost of Narcotics in Workers Comp
Filed under: opiate addiction symptoms
Second, narcotics are highly addictive, and the injured employee can go through both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when the narcotics are taken away. … The injury, while real, becomes the excuse for obtaining the narcotic. Unless the …
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