Can Dogs Be *Prescribed* as Treatment for Panic Attacks?

Question by : can dogs be *prescribed* as treatment for panic attacks?
I’ve been with a dog at my side for the past 13 years, 24/7. I suffer from horrible panic attacks. I just lost my shepherd last summer, and am raising a new one who is so wonderful. I’m just wondering if ppl like me could get special permission to take a dog anywhere, kindof like a *handicapped status*. My panic attacks make my life unbearable and when i go out without a dog I feel kinda brings on the attacks 1000 times quicker and harder…..I just don’t know what to do. I really need my dog with me at all times. problem is that i’ve actually found quite a few jobs that let me have a dog with me, but I cant drive (cuz of the attacks) and would like to take my dog to stores with me… there a word for this condition? like “dog addiction”? I’ve googled it and all the results talk about nasty beastiality stuff….or about dogs addicted to their masters. I never see anything about ppl who just CAN’t get by without their dog….any info on this subject, solutions, treatment..would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Mama Tex
Yes they can. They are called service dogs.
People attach to anything. for you it just happens to be a dog. Some have a blanket or key chain. It is an OCD issue. A therapist could help work through it and a service dog could make your life “normal” as possible for you.

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