Broadway, SEattle, WA-10-31-09

Broadway, SEattle, WA-10-31-09

he’s singing woot woot sorry bad cam quality haha.


Dr. Bruce Loisel: Methadone a valuable treatment option
Filed under: heroin addiction help

Street heroin is no longer the exclusive path to opiate addiction. Opiates are frequently prescribed by doctors for pain after a surgery, car accident, sports injury, etc. It's easy to get addicted. Opiate-addicted persons seek treatment for one common …


Search Programme Name
Filed under: heroin addiction help

… Crime File and needs your help to resolve more cases. In part 4 – “I blamed myself for my daughter's heroin addiction”. We hear why Christine Lewry blamed herself for her daughter Amber's heroin addiction and finally forgiven herself with Amber Dignan.


Heroin's devastating effects touch our towns
Filed under: heroin addiction help

The effects of heroin addiction are far reaching. When area homes are burglarized and valuables stolen, 90 percent of the time the crimes are to feed drug addiction, police say. More than any other drugs, opioid and heroin users turn to crime for the …


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