Addiction Treatment Program: Why Does He Only Get Drunk at Home?

Question by Krazie: Why does he only get drunk at home?
I know my husband has a drinking problem, but he’s not a typical “alcoholic”. He’s works in the oil field and his schedule is 7 days of work and 7 days off. While he’s at work he doesn’t drink even if the other men are. He stays out on location on his work week (usually because the work site is to far to drive back and forth) and doesn’t drink because it’s against work regulations to drink on location. He’s reasoning is he doesn’t want to lose his job. Ok BUT when days off hit he drinks every evening till his drunk. Some days nothing happens. Other days his rude and argumentative blaming me for some unknown reason. We’ve talked about this and actually his cut down from a 12 pack to a 6 pack in the past year. So obviously he has some control over his drinking. What do I do to get him to cut back to weekends only or a few times a month? Does he need AA? I dunno I’m frustrated and need advice.

Best answer:

Answer by Felicia
He’s not an alcoholic if he can control it.

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