Addiction Counseling: Ridiculous Christian Attitude…?

Question by DanCorb: Ridiculous Christian attitude…?
A question was asked about “God Addiction Counseling” yesterday, and a christian(~~LynA~~) replies:

“Get a life. What our children CHOOSE to believe is their business, just like its your business what you believe”

Hmmm… does anyone else see many things wrong with that statement?
So let me guess, this Christian mother taught her kids about every religion then let her child choose all on it’s own?
I doubt it. Infact I’d bet all my money that the kid had Christianity rammed down it’s throat and taught that it would go to hell if it believed anything else.
Doesn’t really seem like a fair “choice” does it?

Best answer:

Answer by ~~LynA~~
No this good Christian mother, will tell her children about the Love of Christ, not that they are going to hell if they dont believe, if they choose not believe, that is their choice. Good day…

What do you think? Answer below!

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