Addicted to Painkillers: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Other Prescription Drugs

Addicted to Painkillers: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Other Prescription Drugs

Whether prescribed by a physician or purchased on the street, painkilling drugs can be extremely effective in eliminating physical, emotional, and psychological stress. They can also be exceedingly addictive. Hazelden’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marv Seppela discusses the most common opioids – Oxycontin and Vicodin, and opiates – heroin and morphine. Past users who have overcome addiction to painkillers talk about how the got clean and what they learned about surrender, willingness, and support along the way. Learn more about prescription drug addiction at


Painkiller withdrawal symptoms 'similar to heroin'
Filed under: addiction to painkillers

Packets of Nurofen Plus are being consumed daily by an increasing number of people addicted to painkillers, according to the clinical director of the country's largest private addiction rehabilitation clinic, who says withdrawal symptoms for Nurofen …


Painkiller addiction: the plague that is sweeping the US
Filed under: addiction to painkillers

For almost two decades Geni Swartzwelder has played an elaborate game of hide-and-seek with her daughter Heather. Every day, Geni, 52, takes a bottle of little white pills and sneaks it away to a secret location. Every day, 32-year-old Heather then …


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