Addicted to Opiates: Old Drug, New Hope for Addicts

Old drug, new hope for addicts
Filed under: addicted to opiates

The difference with naltrexone is that it is not addictive. It is designed to suppress the “pleasure” receptors in the brain which respond to opiates. So when an addict takes a heroin hit, he or she will derive no pleasure, while on the naltrexone …


Opioid addiction called an 'epidemic'
Filed under: addicted to opiates

By the time I got back home from the hospital, I had a prescription for three opiates in my pocket," he told the panel. "I was amazed someone could just get these so easily. I could have thrown away 17 years of recovery." Les took the prescriptions to …


OpioidNate Intro Opiate Oxy Heroin Addiction

A video I hope will touch someone out there. There are 22 million of us addicted to opiates and caught in the same vicious cycle. These videos are my ways of self healing and to help others out there. I know when I was caught up in it ready to face withdrawal and the impossible tasks that come with I stumbled upon some videos on YouTube and they really helped.


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