The Biggest Celeb Shockers of the Year

The biggest celeb shockers of the year
Filed under: private drug rehab

Humiliated by the breakup of her six-year marriage to Ashton Kutcher, the year started badly for Demi Moore, when she was hospitalised in January following a severe reaction to inhaling a 'party drug' known as 'whip-its'. The nitrous oxide-based drug …


US military's alcohol-soaked culture taking toll on servicemembers
Filed under: private drug rehab

Pamela Moment, drug demand reduction coordinator at the Consolidated Substance Abuse Counseling Center, explains to Brandon Harrisel, an administration specialist at Training and Education Command, the risk of drinking a considerable amount of alcohol …


A Private Drug Rehab Baltimore Addicts Can Turn To For Help

Finding the right private drug rehab in Baltimore can be hard. Your painful addiction can end with us. Watch this video for information on private drug rehab in Baltimore. Heal your mind, body and spirit with our revered programs for private drug rehab Baltimore. Call us for help today.


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