Recovery From Drug Addiction – Brittany’s Story – Addiction Treatment – Ambrosia Treatment Center

Recovery from Drug Addiction – Brittany’s Story – Addiction Treatment – Ambrosia Treatment Center

Visit Ambrosia Treatment Center website for further information. or call 866-577-6868 I’ve struggled my whole since I was 14 with drug addiction. My whole life was unmanageable and it finally caught up to me and I overdosed for my third time and that is when I decided I differently needed to come to drug treatment, because I knew if I didn’t I was differently going to die. Without a question, I didn’t think there was any other chance for me to survive out there. I mean I got high at my house alone, I overdosed, I was there for quite a while until my brother came to my house. My brother found my on the floor. My brother is a police officer so he called everybody he needed to call and got me to the hospital and that’s when I made the decision that I needed to do something about my drug addiction. I came down to Ambrosia Treatment Center in Port Saint Lucie, Florida. How Have You Changed? Finally here I’ve finally, come to realize that I can’t do any of that stuff. You know every like alcohol is a drug, which was very hard for me to realize, and now I finally understood that I can’t do that stuff. Now I have a better chance. I’ve surrendered to my addiction. Ambrosia Treatment Drug Rehab Center provides drug addiction treatment services in Florida, alcohol detox, drug detox and intensive outpatient drug rehab. http


Take drug addicts to rehabilitation centres, families urged
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1/6 Community Services
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DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP, facilitated by SouthernCare Hospice, meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. at Gadsden Health & Rehab Center, 1945 Davis Drive, Gadsden, on 800 Hall. For information, call Jane Sims, 256-5566. ANTICIPATORY …


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