Is Marijuana Prohibition Helping Anyone?

Question by Master Bate: Is Marijuana Prohibition helping anyone?
I’ve heard alot of supporters of the Prohibition say they are helping people by preventing people from using marijuana, and thus preventing their lives from going downhill. Illegalizing pot, however, doesn’t prevent people from using it (as we can clearly see from reality), it just punishes them even more after they are caught using it, which is just adding to the burden of already being addicted to pot (If pot really is the addictive, life-ruining monster like heroin and crystalmeth that alot of misinformed people make it out to be.)

Keeping people from using marijuana would be more like making the Cannabis Sativa plant COMPLETELY and utterly extinct, or putting surveillance cameras over every inch of U.S. ground so that noone could ever grow it, or do anything else without the Government breathing down their necks and being aware of it.

If Prohibition supporters were truly concerned about drug users, they would focus more on drug education, or putting people in rehab instead of jail. However in my experience I’ve noticed alot of anti-marijuana people claiming putting people in rehab would cost “too much money”, as if jail were a less-expensive alternative. To me it seems like people who are against marijuana aren’t trying to help anyone, but rather have a malice and unexplainable hatred towards any non-violent person who uses marijuana in the privacy of their own home.

What do you think?

*And for the record, I don’t think marijuana users should be put in jail OR rehab, with taxpayer money. They should just be left alone, not helped, and not harmed. (Unless they are driving or public using.)

Best answer:

Answer by Zaphod
Prohibition of any kind helps nobody.

I can’t believe the previous failure of trying to outlaw liquor has taught us nothing.

We are sooooooo goddamn stupid.

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