Free Drug Rehabs: Women of Hope Set Free From Addiction; Rehab Grads Find Faith, Hope in Program

Women of Hope set free from addiction; Rehab grads find faith, hope in program
Filed under: free drug rehabs

The last level lasts two months after their six-month stay, and the women must remain drug free to graduate. Courtney Robinson, 19, graduated Sunday. Before she came to the center, her drug addiction landed her in jail and a judge ordered her to the …


Afghanistan's legacy of child opium addiction
Filed under: free drug rehabs

There are about 90 drug treatment centers dispersed throughout Afghanistan, but most are small, poorly staffed and underfunded. The United States and its allies have the resources to rapidly expand and adequately fund such treatment and rehab centers …


Clive opens up about Whitney's woes
Filed under: free drug rehabs

… Nippy's [Whitney] rebellion. Around him, she didn't have to be the perfect girl. Yet I don't blame Bobby for introducing her to drugs." Cissy tried numerous times to make Whitney quit drugs and details one attempt in 2000 when Whitney refused to go …


He did it to himself
Filed under: free drug rehabs

From here he went into a 29-day rehab program. The minute he was released he went right back to meth. When he was home he'd take a fish knife and scrape … He was on disability but wasn't interested in doing what it took to keep that going. All he …


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