Drug Rehab: Lawsuit Filed Against Drug Rehab Center in Death – Seattle Post Intelligencer

Lawsuit filed against drug rehab center in death – Seattle Post Intelligencer
Filed under: Drug Rehab

Lawsuit filed against drug rehab center in death
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Page 1 of 1. CHARLOTTE, Tenn. (AP) — The grandmother of a West Tennessee teen who died shortly after being released from a Dickson County drug rehabilitation center has filed a lawsuit. According to The Tennessean (http://tnne.ws/UwbCbR ), the $ 14.5

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Graduate of veterans drug court finds new hope – San Francisco Chronicle
Filed under: Drug Rehab

Graduate of veterans drug court finds new hope
San Francisco Chronicle
Veterans Treatment Court is one of four treatment courts in Vanderburgh County. Superior Court Judge David Kiely oversees it, along with the county's Drug Court program. Veterans Treatment Court specifically addresses the issues of former military

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Foundation for a Drug-Free World – The Truth About Prescription Drugs

The Truth About Drugs documentary is the cornerstone of the Drug-Free World Campaign, sponsored by the Church of Scientology. This documentary is the real story of what drugs are and what they do to one’s body and mind—told by people who’ve been there, done them and survived to tell about it.


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