Drug Rehab: Drug Court Judge Acts Erratically, Admits She Needs Help

Drug court judge acts erratically, admits she needs help
Filed under: Drug Rehab

The judge who oversees Broward County’s misdemeanor drug court is headed for rehab herself after sources say she acted erratically at work on Tuesday.        


Drug-court judge admits she needs help after acting oddly
Filed under: Drug Rehab

The judge who oversees Broward County’s misdemeanor drug court is headed for rehab herself after sources say she acted erratically at work on Tuesday.


'Teen Mom' Amber Portwood: I ate fentanyl patches in rehab
Filed under: Drug Rehab

"Teen Mom" Amber Portwood is telling all on "Dr. Phil" Friday in her first interview since being released from prison last month, and she's got plenty to reveal about her struggles with drug abuse.The young mom, now 23, admitted that while she was in rehab, she was still using drugs.


Christian Drug Rehab

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