DENVER – Police Are Taking New Steps to Fight a Surge in Crime Along One of …

DENVER – Police are taking new steps to fight a surge in crime along one of …
Filed under: affordable drug rehab

Denver police say the root of many of the problems here on Colfax is drugs. A team of narcotics detectives are tackling street level drug crime. Their goal is to send the users to rehab and the dealers to prison. Police say if you come here at night …


Watch “Methadonia,” Doc Film on Heroin and Poverty
Filed under: affordable drug rehab

As users become reliant on the drug, the body adapts to the heightened amount of dopamine and seeks what has becomes its normalcy: a raised level of the neurotransmitter. Over time, addicts need more and more of the drug to feel the same initial high …


Clubs in legal minefield on drugs: Port
Filed under: affordable drug rehab

He said it was imperative the AFL's drugs and welfare summit, to be held at Etihad Stadium on Wednesday, resolved to change the rules to allow club officials other than the team doctor to know if a player had tested positive on his first or second strike.


Stop Drug Addiction – Anthony From New Jersey Speaks About How To Recover Successfully

Stop drug addiction and get your life back, this is the message Anthony wants to share in this video. Don’t want to live life as a drug addict anymore and ready to learn how to stop drug addiction? Go now to Anthony’s Testimonial: “I’m Anthony from Elizabeth, New Jersey. I came to Palm Partners about 50 days ago. I was in the darkest part of my life I’ve ever been in. I destroyed every relationship I had with anyone that I cared about. I lost the greatest job that I ever had in my life. I was throwing everything away just to get high, and coming to Palm Partners showed me that I didn’t have to live like that anymore. I’m slowly getting my life back, and this place has given me every bit of courage and every bit of knowledge that I need to do that. I’m so thankful for the program here. I definitely wouldn’t be standing here today if it weren’t for everyone here. The staff, all the clients, all the counselors — everyone. Don’t just sit there if you have a problem. Reach out to someone, reach out to Palm Partners. They will help you. They make your life better. You don’t have to live like this anymore.” This is the true story of Anthony, who struggled with drug addiction in New Jersey. Check out this video at 0:12 Anthony speaks about the darkest points in his life and how he destroyed everything he loved 0:37 How he gained courage and his life back 0:58 His message is: “Stop drug addiction. You don’t have to live like this anymore


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