Could the Rehabilitation Center Be in Trouble for Denying Me Medical Care?
Question by Cali~ Braydens Mama: Could the rehabilitation center be in trouble for denying me medical care?
I was sent to a rehab due to drugs, I’m 17 years old. (I don’t need a lecture) however, a day after I got there, I was peeing blood and was in immense pain. I made it clear to the people there that I just wanted to go home, and I didn’t want to be there, but I was clearly in pain. I told a counselor, and the head of the program, and I was told that I was faking it, and I “just wanted to get out of the program”…
2 days later, after the pain had gotten worse, I told them there was a possibility that I was pregnant, and they made me pee in a cup to get tested.. While doing so, they saw the blood in my urine, and rushed me to the ER, MIND YOU, Only after debating with me that I put cranberry juice in my pee to make it that color.
I got to the ER, and was admitted, and diagnosed with an extremely bad kidney infection, They’re keeping me until at least thursday, and I got here on Friday.
Could they be in trouble for denying me medical care while I was in so much pain?
Best answer:
Answer by chmacqueen
Its a thin line they are on and you have chance but not a good one by any standard. A heavy burden of proof would be on you and their side is fairly easy. How its seen is drug user in withdrawl pains complaining on pains and trying to get out which is an everyday activity for them. Now your case happens to be the oddity but since you recieved medical care even a bit late it would have to be proven that the 2 days you waited created trauma and further injury for you and not of your own accord.
You have a case but a weak one, it will be accepted you should have been in pain from withdrawl symptoms and will be hard to prove neglect on their part.
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