California Drug Rehab: Reports of Flu on the Rise
Reports of flu on the rise
Filed under: california drug rehab
An anti-viral drug named Tamiflu can lessen the symptoms of flu and shorten the days one is ill, but it works best if given within one or two days of falling ill with the flu. It requires a doctor's prescription. Otherwise, treatment consists pretty …
Quebec Human Rights Commission Narconon Investigation
Filed under: california drug rehab
The April 21, 2006, Supreme Court of Canada decision opened the door for the Narconon drug rehab cases, as patients with addictions are determined to have disabilities while being treated. The court's decision "included provisions detailing alcoholism …
Vaccinations against whooping cough among new laws for New Yorkers …
Filed under: california drug rehab
27: Enables survivors of sexual assault who have undergone a forensic rape exam to receive a seven day starter pack of HIV post exposure drug treatment. Dec. 12: Makes it illegal for businesses to require consumers to share their social security numbers.
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