Best Drug Rehab: Is It Possible to Get a Restraing Order on Someone Who Does Not Harass You Directly but Through Other People?

Question by Charles Young: Is it possible to get a restraing order on someone who does not harass you directly but through other people?
For over half a decade this freak who used to be

married to my mother has stalked me indirectly

through other people by calling up every store near

where I live, leaving his number and telling them

to report on everything I do. He calls up the

landlord of my apartment and tells them I am a drug

addict (even though I don’t even know what drugs

look like much less use them aside from some pot I

smoked in college) so when I get back to my

apartment I find that all of my things have been

searched through and moved around. There are

hundreds of other things this man has done

including gain access to my bank accounts, had my

mail screened and read by the P.O., read my e-

mails, called up my isp to see what sites I search.

He’s even had (possibly paid) strangers come up to

me and try to have sex with me or sell me drugs.

Literally thousands of notices have been sent out

wherever I go and it is the most humiliating

process. I have zero expectations for any success

with a restraining order since the last time the

police got involved (5 years ago when I told this

freak I was leaving) they arrested ME because he

very cleverly placed HIS name on the title of my

car when I purchased it. MY lawyer was the best

friend of his wife and the “judge” was also their

friend so I was sentenced to “rehab” because they

found a legal prescription bottle for

antidepressants prescribed by my psychiatrist and

an empty pot pipe (I had smoked some pot because I

was depressed at the time). I don’t want to talk

about the place that I was sent to but they were

apparently directed to prevent me from leaving this

freak. I’ve basically tried anything you can

possibly think of to escape from this freak

including leaving the country (apparently passport

information can effortlessly be accessed using

social engineering). The entire police force of

mexico and every toll booth between cities was

given a flier with my information so that he could

find me. I tried several lawyers who told me that

they would help me get a restraining order only to

find that they stop responding to my emails after

they check on the information that I give them. The

social engineering tactics which I am aware of that

he has used include: I’m on drugs, I was on drugs,

I’m selling drugs, I’m a rapist, I am a child

molester, I’m an alcoholic(I don’t even drink

alcohol), I am a psychiatric patient who is very

dangerous etc…
So here are my questions:
1. If I try to file a restraining order myself

would it cover this sort of behavior?
2. Since everyone with any real power in this world

hands over my information to him, is it likely that

this could even be enforced considering filing the

order would give the courts my location who may

just hand it over to him to continue doing this?
3. Would this prevent the DMV, state department,

banks, and pretty much everyone on the planet from

reporting on my activities or harassing me?
4. Even if a judge grants it, how would would a

piece of paper stop this considering he could

continue doing it and just say he wasn’t? He tells

everyone he calls to pretend like he hasn’t called

and isn’t responsible for their behavior. (That’s

probably the most unbearable part of the harassment

is all the lying). Even the police force has joined

in on the harassment. Until I gave up on getting a

cellphone he had the police at the local station

give him direct access to my location 24 hours a

day using my number which he used to call up every

person I interacted with to ask what I was doing

and everything I said to them.
5. What is the possible motivation for this? Has

anyone ever heard of someone doing this before? If

it’s sexual he knows I’m not gay and he’s 30 years

my senior. If he wants to be my friend, he already

knows I hate him. If it’s parental why does he not

do this with his biological son or any of his

current step daughters? If he actually believes any

of the things he’s saying why does he not have

police try to prove any of it so I can serve

multiple life sentences in a prison (where I might

actually have some form of existence which would

allow me to escape from this).
I’ve gone through hundreds of motels, dozens of apartments, several states(by a factor of 3000 miles in difference) and three countries. Nothing seems to work when you can use mass communication to send out fliers, faxes, and phone calls to likely destinations. Even if I just live in my car I only have enough money to survive for about three more years, after which I will have to get a job which will reported to the irs along with my social security number. ANY Solutions are welcome because my plan is to jump off a bridge in three years.
I’m 27 and he’s no longer married to my mother. He has remarried and for some reason has a sick obsession with me. My only goal is to get the creepy harassment to stop. I tried three more lawyers yesterday and none responded.
Also, he’s tried to get me to do that (go to some form of counseling with him) several times. Let me make it very clear, I’m not gay, he’s not related to me or in any way connected to my relatives (my father and he have never spoken), and I have absolutely no clue what purpose that would serve. He’s just some weird older man who was married to my mother 7 years ago.
I’m not letting anyone get anything from me without my consent. When I found out that he got a copy of my photograph I considered hooking up caller id to one of the store phones near where I live and paying him a little visit. As it is, I don’t even know where he lives.

Best answer:

Answer by Cal
I doubt it.

What do you think? Answer below!

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