Best Drug Rehab Facility Tour

Best Drug Rehab Facility Tour

Take a tour of the Best Drug Rehab’s facility.


Jailed, disbarred lawyer Thomas Corea would rather be at controversial drug
Filed under: best drug rehab

Per to the Tulsa World, “Narconon Arrowhead is the flagship branch of an international drug-rehabilitation organization rooted in the teachings of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.” Earlier this year, a Narconon facility in Quebec was shut down …


Heroin use in county on the rise
Filed under: best drug rehab

While heroin cases are increasing, methamphetamine and marijuana remain the county's top drug problems. “It goes up and down, stimulants, depressants,” said Mike Maritzen, supervising drug counselor for Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities, …


Octomom Nadya Suleman: 'Rehab Has Changed My Life'
Filed under: best drug rehab

The woman known as Octomom, Nadya Suleman, ended a 28-day rehabilitation program at Chapman House Drug Rehabilitation Center in Southern California on November 22, in time to spend Thanksgiving with her family. “It feels good to be home with my family …


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