Why Do So Many Ppl Say Hard Drugs?
Question by Shouri I: why do so many ppl say hard drugs?
ive read something amazing today. turns out all drugs including hard drugs are LEGAL in portugal and the overdose rates hiv rates have gone down by a lot. why is that?could that be done in america?i mean wow heroin is legal wtf.any person would expect all hell to break lose if all hard drugs were legal but the complete opposite happened in portual. how? are there more countries like Portugal.
well yes i would try it.im being honest
Best answer:
Answer by ?????
because they arent bad at all,the worst thing that can happen is dying but thats rare,getting clean from heroin takes 1 week,thats the worst drug u can do,u are more likely do die on alcohol than on heroin and alcohol is legal,mainly because out of all the drugs,alcohol impairs u the most,on LSD or shrooms u are more careful and peaceful than on alcohol,also if heroin was legal would u try it? i didnt think so,people will try things whether its legal or not.
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