Symptoms of Addiction: Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms?

Question by toyotaguy: marijuana withdrawal symptoms?
A friend of mine has been working on losing his “addiction” (as I call it) to marijuana. He has been smoking for a long time. Since he was 15, he is now 32. He smokes a lot. All day long. He does not smoke cigarettes so he says hes not addicted. What I think it is, is that he smokes his weed in blunts (cigar wraps). And they are made from tobacco, I believe. He is always telling me that he quit and for the next 4 days he is a complete ASS! He says its from not smoking weed, I think its the tobacco withdrawal. My question is. Is the anger coming from the cigar or the weed withdrawal?

Best answer:

Answer by Fievel
He’s just grumpy from losing a major stress reliever. It may take a week or two, but he’ll bounce back!

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