Signs of a Cocaine Addict: Possessions of Cocaine… Forensic Report Should Be Expunged-
possessions of cocaine… Forensic report should be expunged-
Filed under: signs of a cocaine addict
The witness maintained that he did the analysis of the said report but did not sign it, as that is the responsibility of his boss, and disclosed that the report that he has in court, is a photocopy of what they gave to the police who sent the request …
Debate seen on drug policy
Filed under: signs of a cocaine addict
Most Latin American countries have long had zero-tolerance drug rules, largely encouraged by the United States, which for decades has poured money into its southern neighbours to eradicate crops of coca, the raw material for cocaine. Perez, a former …
New Lenox Man's Child Pornography, Cocaine Charges: 2-Part Investigation
Filed under: signs of a cocaine addict
The sergeant said, "We arrested him a second time" for two counts of child pornography, manufacture or delivery of cocaine, possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana. According to the Will County Sheriff's Office, McGrath was …
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