Archive for the ‘Cocaine Abuse’ Category

Drug Addiction Articles: Why Is Yahoo News Stating That Conditions Like Autism, Asbergers, & OCD Caused the Newton Conn. Shooting?

Question by Dr: Why is Yahoo News Stating That Conditions Like Autism, Asbergers, & OCD caused the Newton Conn. Shooting?
In their article “Adam Lanza: What We Think We Know About the Apparrent Newton Shooter” Yahoo News implies that Adam had “OCD” or Asbergers and that’s what caused him to kill all those children. They also imply that studies show that kids in juvie or prison have an increased incidence of “autism spectrum disorders.” Yet they never mention the psychiatric meds as a possible cause. Does the media do this to get more stupid people to get their kids into treatment and on drugs so they can cover more stories of mass shootings?

Best answer:

Answer by tillan2k
yahoo news has freeedom to interpret news according to its expertise. Church interpretation may not be agreeble with this views………… so be it

What do you think? Answer below!

Drug Abuse Programs: “Which WWE Wrestlers Were Suspended?”?

Question by Michael S: “Which WWE Wrestlers were suspended?”?

Best answer:

Answer by hi how are u doing today?
-Fourteen wrestlers tied to pipeline-

For those of you who are not the best at connecting dots, I will do it for you. These 14 suspensions explain all the weird and odd match endings at SummerSlam. Here is the list of who was suspended again, and I will do some more explaining.

Mike “Simon Dean” Bucci
Gregory Helms
Charlie Haas
Santino Marella
William Regal
King Booker
Chavo Guerrero
John Morrison
Mr. Kennedy
Randy Orton
Chris Master
and Batista

So, as I was saying, this all makes perfect sense. Although reading this list at first your jaw may be dropped so low it is now resting in your lap, trust me, this makes sense.

Does the Song “Giving in” by Adema Have Anything to Do With Linkin Park?

Question by Esse Est Percipi: Does the song “Giving In” by Adema have anything to do with Linkin Park?
I heard conflicting accounts:

The song “Giving In” says the band is Adema, but it’s actually Linkin Park feat. Adema. Chester wrote the song but Marky sings it, so both bands worked on the song.


The song appears, on the surface, to be a metaphor for drug use. Lines such as “I’m giving into you” and “Family has tried to heal all my addictions” seem to strengthen this meaning, however Mark Chavez has stated that the song is about his bout with alcoholism and depression. Chavez stated that at one point he felt he was going to lose his record deal over booze and substances. He stated that the song was a way of him letting go. why would chester write about chavez’s feelings

Symptoms of Addiction: Does the Phrase ‘Gambling Addiction’ Bear Any Relationship to the Word ‘addiction’?

Question by Jack P: Does the phrase ‘gambling addiction’ bear any relationship to the word ‘addiction’?
Traditionally the difference between an addiction, as opposed to mere self-destructive behavior and habits involved physical dependency reflected in physical withdrawal symptoms:


“Main Entry: ad·dic·tion
“Pronunciation: \?-‘dik-sh?n, a-\
“Function: noun
“Date: 1599
“1 : the quality or state of being addicted
“2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful”

“An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency[1] and tolerance[2] that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.[citation needed]

Symptoms of Addiction: Have You Ever Had a Question Removed That You Didn’t Understand Why?

Question by lembley3: Have you ever had a question removed that you didn’t understand why?
I asked a non-offensive question and it was deemed inappropriate and removed. I appealed and they said it was inappropriate.
(Do you think it’s possible to have a Yahoo! answers addiction?) How is that inappropriate?

Best answer:

Answer by Kenzie!!!

Give your answer to this question below!

KFW | Signs & Symptoms Chemical Health Action Collaborative | 651.351.3117 | Part 3 Tina Rosenquist, creator and host of “Knowledge For Wellness,” interviews Lisa Hoogheem, Safe School Coordinator for the North St. P…


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POLL: Do You Do This When You’re Drinking?

Question by §tern: POLL: Do you do this when you’re drinking?
You can’t find your beer then you realize it’s in you other hand.
Please tell me I’m not the only one
to my new contacts… I want you to meet LISSA and KT. Great people. Treat them nice.
internet pimp!?!
In real life they would be calling the cops on me for stalking them. Fine line I’m walking. Take care cutey

Best answer:

Answer by Lissa
lol no…. =(
but I always lose my drinks everywhere and end up finding them throughout the night

Add your own answer in the comments!

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