Marijuana Might Be Bad for Balls, and Cocaine Might Be Good

Marijuana Might Be Bad for Balls, And Cocaine Might Be Good
Filed under: information on cocaine

Marijuana Might Be Bad for Balls, And Cocaine Might Be Good An important bit of information to share with the testicle-toting men in your life: smoking marijuana might lead to testicular cancer. Good news, though — cocaine users have a slightly …


An Imam Busted With Kilos Of Cocaine. Jammeh says Isatou Njie Saidy Is
Filed under: information on cocaine

The scene happened yesterday after Friday prayers, when the drug squad received information that the imam's vehicle booth was loaded with kilos of cocaine. Acting on the information they received, they stopped the vehicle around Q cell to conduct a …


Cocaine and the Destruction of the Rain Forest

Environmental impact of cocaine at to find out more. Traditionally alcohol is the most abused drug followed by cannabis, but cocaine is catching up very quickly. This is a problem because of the range of dangers associated with cocaine. The media seem to treat it as though its not much of a big deal and label it as recreational cocaine use but it is a very addictive drug and in certain young people it can lead to heart problems as well as other socioeconomic problems. I’ve dealt with 22 year old cocaine users that are on their 5th heart attack from cocaine. However, what a lot of people don’t realise is that when they grow the coca plant in the rainforests in South America, they have to destroy an immense amounth of rainforest to be able to grow the cocaine. They also use alot of chemicle extraction to process it. For every gram of cocaine snorted in the UK, four square metres of rainforest is destroyed. So over the last 20 years there has been 6million acres of rain forest has been demolished and every year 25 million gallons of chemical poisens go into the rain forest to sustain it. For more information on cocaine visit or call us on 0845 900 2755.


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