Is Cocaine Addicting: The Problem of Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine addiction is a still a problem in American society. There seems to be less publicity about it but it still is a popular drug It is serious because cocaine addiction it can lead to serious mental and physical damage, even death.
The effects of cocaine addiction can vary depending upon the individual involved in the cocaine addiction. All of the effects of cocaine addiction, however, fall in to one of two categories: short-term or long-term.
A person who uses cocaine just once is capable of experiencing the short-term effects of cocaine addiction. Some of the short-term effects of cocaine addiction include dilated pupils, rapid and pressured speech as well as decreased appetite and increased body temperature. Other short-term effects of cocaine addiction are increased mental alertness, increased heart rate, and increased energy.
People who think they will try cocaine ‘just once’ often fall prey to cocaine addiction because they enjoy some of these short-term effects, such as increased energy and mental alertness. This boost of energy helps the user feel as if he can be more productive in life and at work, which leads to an increased tolerance of cocaine, and ultimately leads the need to use more to get the effect and eventually cocaine addiction.
People looking to lose weight also sometimes experiment with cocaine because of the short-term effect of appetite suppression. It is possible for a cocaine user to go days without eating. Unfortunately, using cocaine for this purpose can also lead to cocaine addiction and other health problems such as malnutrition.
A person suffering from cocaine addiction will begin exhibiting the long-term effects after abusing cocaine for an extended amount of time. Extensive use of cocaine, results in a tolerance to cocaine, which forces the addict to use more in order to reach the same high. Therefore, the long-term effects of cocaine addiction can include respiratory failure, heart disease, stroke, heart attack, gastrointestinal problems, seizure and coma. Less severe long-term effects of cocaine addiction include blurred vision, nausea, convulsions, fever, chest pain, and muscle spasms.
In addition to the physical affects, cocaine addiction can lead to psychological problems, such as irritability, restlessness, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and mood disturbances. Cocaine addiction also can have a negative effect on relationships, when undesirable behaviors, such as stealing, lying, and cheating, croup up as the addict attempts to support the cocaine addiction.
Cocaine addiction can also lead to financial ruin when all of the addict’s money is spent on getting the next high. Or, when the addict is fired from his job for poor performance or excessive absenteeism both related to the cocaine addiction.
Cocaine addiction is destructive in a variety of ways. Therefore, the best choice is complete abstinence and no experimentation.
The author, Bill Urell, reviews only the best diet and fitness plans, tips, and articles that promote healthier lifestyles. Visit us and claim your FREE ebook, 101 Romantic Ideas as a welcome gift ==>
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