Is Being “addicted” to Caffeine the Same as Being Addicted to Drugs?

Question by Lilith: Is being “addicted” to caffeine the same as being addicted to drugs?
Okay. I guess you could say i’m “addicted” to soda, only the caffeinated kind, really. People are saying that because of that, i’m addicted to caffeine. Which I *think* is a drug…?
So, does that mean i’m addicted to a drug?
I realize I didn’t word this the best. I don’t mean drugs like Heroine, Marijuana, etc. I mean it like a bad habit, I guess. Sorry if it confused you or whatever.

Best answer:

Answer by Hick Force For The Fans
No, you are dumb. For real.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Law enforcement officials bust two major Austin drug rings
Filed under: is cocaine addicting

The addictive drug, once cooked in labs tucked within the Hill Country and in rural areas across the state, is now increasingly produced and supplied by Mexican organized crime groups, officials said. And the … In East Austin, authorities seized more …


Bradley County Hosts Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative April 22-27
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The sheriff's office is again partnering with the GRAAB (Going Respectfully Against Addictive Behaviors) Coalition to offer area residents an opportunity to clear out medicine cabinets and dispose of these substances in an environmentally safe manner …


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