I Think I Know a Way to Use Christians to Make a Lot of Money.?
Question by Mr Awesome: I think I know a way to use Christians to make a lot of money.?
I could make up a new religion. Base it off of the bible so that people are sure to think it is real based on the age of the religion. Tell people that god came to me and gave me extra information about the bible. Publish 50 page “addition” to the bible. When fools hear this they will go nuts. Take a small initial investment and start a church. require 10% of the followers income to stay a member. If I am lucky the members will become brainwashed enough to let me sleep with their wives. Pocket 95% of the income 5% goes to upgrades/repairs.
i would just need to buy a building and get a licence from the state to start a church.. From now on I will pay no taxes because churches are tax exempt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is huge…… Put a sign up or whatever with the name and symbol of my new religion. I will use a symbol that has three points or three sides. Christians seem to have an affinity with three sided things. Getting followers will be the trickiest part. I think I would be to steal them from other churches. I wont be surprised if I get bad blood with the churches for doing this, its kind of like selling drugs on another dealers block, I could get shot so ill be careful. Tell the followers of other churches that god came to me and told me to recruit them because he need them specifically for some special task.
This should not cost much to start. I could go get a loan from the bank to help me. What do you think?
Glen Beck.. lol im going to try to use that threat in my religion too. hahaha didnt you read this?
Best answer:
Answer by glen beck
you could… but you’ll have a seat with your name on it reserved in hell
ok go ahead its a free country … free to scam any schmuck and his money
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