Egypt:What Are Good Places to Hang Out in Cairo?
Question by Noura: Egypt:What are good places to hang out in Cairo?
I need to know some places other than cafes,malls and stuff like that..I want a place to really have fun do something new,not just sit there.
Thanks in advance 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by 3ala2
Well-malls and cafes aside- my friends and I usually go out bowling (there’s the International Bowling Center “IBC” behind the October panorama in Nasr City), we also go play football or squash, usually at AlAhly, 6 October or Shooting clubs. We also go horseback riding near the pyramids.umm…oh and we sometimes plan out a day in Alexandria, just drive over there in the early morning, spend the day and return at night. That’s a lotta fun.
I guess that’s about it. oh and there are those slow nights we just don’t feel like going anywhere, we just hang out at someone’s house-usually over at Rehab city- where we make an “estimation night” (card game) out of it
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