Drug Addiction Programs: Stand in the Gap Marches Forward

Stand In The Gap marches forward
Filed under: drug addiction programs

She highly applauded drug testing school age children while suggesting drug testing also for all recipients of many governmental assistance programs because misappropriation and abuses of these programs abound with drug addicted recipients.


You're 'not a kid', judge reminds drug dealer
Filed under: drug addiction programs

Years of drug addiction led him to Justice Martin Daubney's court room. … Justice Daubney noted that Tei had spent his time in prison since his fraud conviction productively, enrolling in drug programs and taking up vocational training opportunities.


Martha's House gets a home
Filed under: drug addiction programs

Deep in the woods of the Yauhannah community in northern Georgetown County is a place where women getting out of jail or prison can seek refuge if they are struggling to free themselves from drug addiction. Martha's House has been a dream for Susan …


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