Drug Abuse Addiction: Which Drugs Is Harder to Come Off Adderall or Benzos(xanax,Ativan)?

Question by CAT: Which drugs is harder to come off Adderall or Benzos(xanax,ativan)?

Best answer:

Answer by Skee
I take both ativan and adderall for ADHD. Benzos and Stimulants are both very different drugs and have different “come off” feelings. Adderall is schedule 2, the benzos you listed are schedule 4. So the Feds think Adderall is significantly easier to abuse and poses a greater health risk. That’s a good start.

Personally: I wouldn’t want to “come off” of either. These drugs are prescribed for me to take daily as I have for the past 6 years.

Taking either regularly and then stopping will make “very bad things” happen. People will use words like “addiction” if you say it’s tough to quit. These are the same people who need to remember that nearly every anti-depressant (Prozac, etc) if suddenly quit being consumed cold turkey, suicide is not unheard of.

Perhaps you’re asking for what happens when one or the other wears off? With adderall you get irritable, hungry or not-hungry, slow, dense, useless. All the + that the adderall was giving you is now past 0 into the negatives temporarily. This would NOT be the time to take an SAT test. 🙂

Ativan… well, like any benzo, sudden withdrawl is life threatening.

There’s a fairly easy way to sum up how any drug is when you “come off” it: The opposite happens. ie: Take sudafed for a stuffed up nose a few days in a row, quit. Now your nose is really stuffed up!

You asked which is harder. I’d say Adderall. I need ativan for when I “come off” adderall, either instant release 4-6 hours, or XR putting it at 8-10 hours for the magic point in my day where, if there is no ativan, clicking “send” on that email is probably a BAD idea if you’ve got any emotions typed in. Better to focus on something else and come back to it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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