Does the Song “Giving in” by Adema Have Anything to Do With Linkin Park?
Question by Esse Est Percipi: Does the song “Giving In” by Adema have anything to do with Linkin Park?
I heard conflicting accounts:
The song “Giving In” says the band is Adema, but it’s actually Linkin Park feat. Adema. Chester wrote the song but Marky sings it, so both bands worked on the song.
The song appears, on the surface, to be a metaphor for drug use. Lines such as “I’m giving into you” and “Family has tried to heal all my addictions” seem to strengthen this meaning, however Mark Chavez has stated that the song is about his bout with alcoholism and depression. Chavez stated that at one point he felt he was going to lose his record deal over booze and substances. He stated that the song was a way of him letting go. why would chester write about chavez’s feelings
LP didnt write shit, it was all ADEMA. it was labled linkinpark on LIMEWIRE doesnt mean they had anything to do with it
Best answer:
Answer by arthur brain
i saw adema live when the band did a uk tour with linkin park
thats where the connection ends as far as i know
the lead singer of adema is half brother to the bloke out of korn if i remember right
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