Cocaine and Its Damage to the Environment

Cocaine And Its Damage To The Environment

Discover the Ecological impact of Cocaine? To find out, please visit Traditionally alcohol is the most commonly misused substance, followed by marijuana. Having said that, cocaine is catching up swiftly. This is a disturbing problem because of the number of problems connected with cocaine. Lots of the media channels appear to handle it as though its not much of a big deal and label it as recreational cocaine use but it is a very addictive drug and in certain young people it can lead to heart problems as well as other socioeconomic problems. I’ve dealt with 22 year old cocaine users that are on their 5th heart attack from cocaine. However, what a lot of people don’t realise is that when they grow the coca plant in the rainforests in South America, they have to destroy an immense amounth of rainforest to be able to grow the cocaine. They also use a lot of chemical extraction to process it. For every gram of cocaine snorted in the UK, four square metres of rainforest is destroyed. So over the last 20 years there has been 6million acres of rain forest has been demolished and every year 25 million gallons of chemical poisens go into the rain forest to sustain it. For more information on cocaine visit or call us on 0845 900 2755.


2 arrested for cocaine in area blitz
Filed under: information on cocaine

Additional arrests made over the past several days may have also been the result of the enforcement detail, but several law enforcement agencies declined to release information in advance of Monday's press conference. Comment on This Story. NOTE: If …


In the Battle of Two Dallas Financiers, Stories of Theft, Death Threats and a
Filed under: information on cocaine

He began poking around and concluded that Guion was illegally lining his pockets, discovering in the process that he was also a convicted felon, having served time in federal prison a decade ago for dealing cocaine. Guerry passed the information along …


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