Cocaine Addicted Babies: Their View: The Case Against Psychotropic Drugs

Their View: The case against psychotropic drugs
Filed under: cocaine addicted babies

Antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction, akathisia (an extremely uncomfortable and dangerous state of constant agitation and upset), mania, increased risk of suicide and violence and birth defects in newborn babies. Antianxieties are extremely …


Cranford PBA hosts Silver Card and Awards Dinner
Filed under: cocaine addicted babies

Officer Matthew Nazzaro, OfficerMichael Dubitsky, and Sgt. Frank Williams were recognized for their efforts in successfully delivering a baby boy in a motor vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot in August of 2012. Sgt. Guy Patterson, D/Sgt. Chris …


“Decoy” Justified Season 4, Episode 11 Recap
Filed under: cocaine addicted babies

He doesn't get to hold a gun and take part in a last stand against Tonin's goons. Raylan has zero love for the fake lawman who once put his trust in Arlo Givens and Bo Crowder, and brought in the cocaine that essentially acted as the startup capital …


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