Brazil: Addicts Embody Cocaine Boom in Nation's “Cracklands”
Brazil: Addicts embody cocaine boom in nation's “cracklands”
Filed under: cocaine addictive
Demand for cocaine has soared along with the economy over the past decade and fueled an abundant supply of crack now ensnaring thousands of new addicts. Legions of the addicted roam city centers across Brazil, many of them venues chosen to showcase …
Addicts embody cocaine boom in Brazil's "cracklands"
Filed under: cocaine addictive
Demand for cocaine has soared along with the economy over the past decade and fuelled an abundant supply of crack now ensnaring thousands of new addicts. Legions of the addicted roam city centres across Brazil, many of them venues chosen to showcase …
Addicts embody cocaine boom in Brazil's "cracklands"
Filed under: cocaine addictive
Demand for cocaine has soared along with the economy over the past decade and fueled an abundant supply of crack now ensnaring thousands of new addicts. Legions of the addicted roam city centers across Brazil, many of them venues chosen to showcase …
Geometry Wars Galaxies – (Wii) – gameplay
„Playomania — YouPlay” This is footage of mine gameplay of game Geometry Wars Galaxies on Wii platform. I recorded video with DVD recorder. I like pancakes with caocao and I am also collecting air and crapping digested food into the toilet, but only when lavatory board is up. I also like this game a lot – it is very intense, but also very addictive, but not like cocaine-addictive. Drugs are bad, m’kay? Simpsons are better than Southpark – but mine girlfriend is the best! I love you Tina, even you hate this game! Awwwwwww! ^^
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