Alcohol Abuse: Why Are Tobacco Commercials Banned but Alcohol Commercials Not?
Question by aG: Why are Tobacco commercials banned but Alcohol commercials not?
I was wondering why Tobacco companies have very little ways of advertising. I don’t personally smoke cigarettes or drink so I don’t lean towards a specific drug in this battle. However, I don’t understand why alcohol commercials shove advertisements down our throats at a constant rate. You guys have all seen the advertising and how present it is. I won’t argue which drug(alcohol or tobacco) is worse than you but alcohol has caused a significant amount of issues in today’s society and so has Tobacco.
-Why is alcohol usage welcomed in today’s society? (2000’s)
-Why were cigarettes/Tobacco welcomed back in the 40’s – 60’s but no so much anymore?
“The abuse of alcohol is one of the most pervasive social problems affecting our society. Alcohol advertising glamorizes and encourages that abuse”.
-Thanks guys
Okay, I understand your answers and agree but now I ask you since Tobacco is worse than Alcohol(because that is what you guys are inferring), then why is the age to use Tobacco: 18 and Alcohol: 21?
Best answer:
Answer by Joey
because alcohol; is not all bad as tabaco
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
It’s About You – NSW Police alcohol abuse warning
NSW Police, hospital staff and alcohol victims are appealing to drinkers to take responsibility for their own actions when it comes to too much alcohol. A ha…
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