Alby Zweig Goes From Drug Addict to Drug Court Magistrate: 'Once I Stopped

Alby Zweig Goes From Drug Addict to Drug Court Magistrate: 'Once I Stopped
Filed under: help for cocaine addiction

While in treatment, Zweig got hooked on cocaine, learning how to break down crack with vinegar so he could inject it. His coke addiction brought on paranoia that led him to see police everywhere – if only in his head. “I remember digging down into the …


Number of heroin and crack cocaine users falls to record low, figures show
Filed under: help for cocaine addiction

The NTA says the treatment system has "helped to shrink the pool of heroin and crack addicts" by getting increasing numbers into treatment and effectively taking them off the streets and breaking their habits of entrenched drug use. It acknowledges …


Mom helps identify alleged Billerica jewelry thief
Filed under: help for cocaine addiction

Defense attorney Sonya Brown sought a "reasonable bail,'' noting that Marston is an admitted drug user who allegedly stole to support an opiate and cocaine addiction. Marston was ordered held on $ 25,000 cash bail after Perlman said Marston, whose …


Cocaine Crazy – Behind the Scenes with Z-Pro

The 23rd Installment of Inspiraction stars Mr. Proffitt as Z – Pro in this awesome rap parody music video. This is the behind the scenes look! Look for the r…


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