Addiction: European Arms, Money Fuel US Gun Addiction

European arms, money fuel US gun addiction
Filed under: addiction

European arms, money fuel US gun addiction. After each massacre in the US, Europe laments America's gun culture and violence. At the same time, European companies have no problem selling arms to Americans and supporting the NRA's fight against …


Joseph Gordon-Levitt's 'Don Jon's Addiction' goes for million
Filed under: addiction

Don Jon's Addiction, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's racy directorial debut that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, was acquired by Relativity Media for $ 4 million. Gordon-Levitt also stars as Jon Martello, a New Jersey Don Juan whose prolific romantic …


'Don Jon's Addiction' Review and Video Blog: Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Fun
Filed under: addiction

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Xanax (anxiolytic addiction and withdrawal)

Be My Friend – Gwen Olsen spent fifteen years as a pharmaceutical sales rep working for such health care giants as Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Abbott Laboratories. She enjoyed a successful, fast-paced career until several conscious-altering experiences began awakening her to the dangers lurking in every American medicine cabinet. Her most poignant lessons, however, came as both victim and survivor of life-threatening adverse drug reactions. After leaving pharmaceutical sales in 2000, Gwen worked in the natural foods industry first as an Account Manager for Nature’s Way, and then as a Regional Sales Manager for Gaia Herbs. She is currently a writer, speaker, and natural health consultant. In this video Gwen discusses anxiolytics (anti-anxiety medications). These medications are sometimes also called minor tranquilizers. These drugs include the benzodiazephines such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan. Buspar is also non-benzodiazephine anxiolytic. These drugs are highly addictive and people experience severe withdrawal symptoms when coming off of these drugs. Gwen specifically talks about her own Xanax addiction. She also discusses “rebound syndrome” and “discontinuation syndrome”, which are basically just withdrawal symptoms.


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