About My Weird Habit….?

Question by Stan: About my weird habit….?
I pull off and eat my mascara. I know it’s weird and I shouldn’t do it,
But I’d like to know what is in mascara what what it’s actually doing to me.
I’ve been doing this for about five to six months.

Thank y’all.
Haha. My boyfriend said I needed to go on that show.
And I’m talking about like, what are the literal ingredients and what could it do-health wise-to me?
Does it have harmful things in it?

Best answer:

Answer by prototype
That’s really weird but anyway everytime u feel lyk eating it eat some fruit or something

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WZTV Interview on Shopping Addiction

Interview as an expert in 2005 on WZTV, Nashville, TN, on a story of shopping addiction.


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