Outpatient Addiction Treatment: Ways to Convince My Parents Not to Send Me Into Rehab?

Question by dc w: Ways to convince my parents not to send me into rehab?
Im 19 y/o I have a job, in college and have my own car that I bought with my own money, some of my friends smoke pot and often when I am around them they offer me hits for free. I almost never buy my own and never bring the stuff home or come home high out of respect for my parents and there house. My mom has been suspecting that I smoked for awhile and straight out asked me today. I told her the truth that I sometimes smoke and that its not a big deal she freaked out and basically told me im going to be kicked out if I don’t go to rehab right away. I see no reason for this, I am not addicted and it changes my life in no way. Can anyone give me some tips for calming her down? Thanks

P.S. please don’t call me an idiot or tell me im going to die from smoking pot, that’s simply not true and if you think that please do your research.

Best answer:

Answer by Jackie Chan
This is HILARIOUS. No seriously, go to rehab, it’s FUN!

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