Notable Suicide Warning Signs
Notable suicide warning signs
Filed under: alcohol withdrawal treatment
… withdrawal from friends and family and from regular activities, persistent boredom, decline in the quality of schoolwork, violent or rebellious behavior, running away, drug and alcohol abuse, unusual neglect of personal appearance, difficulty …
Big rise in hospital admissions due to harmful use of alcohol
Filed under: alcohol withdrawal treatment
The figures do not include A&E attendance and longer term illness related to alcohol dependence or alcohol withdrawal. The research also showed that in the North-East: *Admissions for 20-29 year olds increased by 166 per cent, with 1,260 admissions …
Mission Concert liquor sales appealed
Filed under: alcohol withdrawal treatment
The judge could order a full hearing or make a decision based on written material. But if there isn't enough time Winery Concert Holdings Ltd could be forced to withdraw the licence application and seek another complying with the wishes of licensing …
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