Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment: Synthetic Drug Ban May Trigger Withdrawal Crisis

Synthetic drug ban may trigger withdrawal crisis
Filed under: methamphetamine addiction treatment

Newcastle's synthetic drug abuse epidemic has hit new lows, with fears of a mental health crisis that could eclipse that created by the powerful methamphetamine ''ice''. Mental health workers, counsellors, nurses and paramedics … Hunter New England …


Deadly doses: A Wisconsin man's descent into heroin addiction and the long
Filed under: methamphetamine addiction treatment

“The concern with heroin is how quickly it can compromise the brain, create that addiction, and how quickly the enormous consequences roll up, the felony possession, the overdoses, the theft,” said Hugh Holly, executive director of Nova Counseling …


Approaching court differently
Filed under: methamphetamine addiction treatment

Less than a decade ago, she was on the verge of losing everything, feeding an addiction to methamphetamine that had existed since she was a teenager. … That could include substance-abuse treatment as well as a focus on education and employment.


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